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Computer Animation


Three isolated courseworks of course Computer Animation.

1. Cardinal Spline


It is a software running on the PC and was developed by Qt Creator.

Users are supposed to specify several key points and the tension and the grain value of the spline curve. After creating the cardinal spline curve, they can specify the speed of car and click play to watch car moving in a constant speed along the curve.

2. Key Frame Animation


It is a software running on the PC and was developed by Qt Creator.

In this part, I tested to kinds of interpolation algorithm for key frame animation, linear interpolation and vector linear interpolation. And vector linear proved it's merit in preserving shape.

3. Morphing


It is a software running on the PC and was developed by Qt Creator.

I accomplished this morphing effects using line pair algorithm. In the software, users have to specify line pairs both in the source image and the target image. After specified the duration, one is able to get a final video demonstrating the morphing.

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